
Showing posts from June, 2020


The story of why I went to the graveyard on Halloween.... I did it to show the bully that I wasn't afraid even though I was. I couldn't find him so I turned to leave, that's when I knew I should run ! I saw a daunting, red gummy bear with a pumpkin on his head staring at me ready to attack! I started to run. More gummy bears started to come with pumpkins: blue, yellow and green ones and more of the dreaded red ones. I thought bye but then the bully showed up.  I was never so glad to see a bully.

Week #36 - Eliza

 They were at least a kilometer away but I could hear their yelling, see their outraged faces. My senses were still multiplied from unleashing my powers.The Government people were closing in, fast . My brain kicked into fight, flight, or freeze mode as usual it chose flight.Giant wings unfurled from my back, my senses kicked into hyperdrive. I launched myself into the sky. Remembering how this mess started, we were in our house, my parents were apologizing, promising they would make things right. Suddenly the Government broke in and dragged them away. That's when I knew I should run...